
Author Subject: Knee
Steve Grady Posted At 12:38:45 12/04/2000
I hurt my knee 6 months ago at work. Reported to my boss of the injury. Not thinking that it could get worse, Wraped in an ace bandage and tried to forget it. Now 6 months later I have realy bad pain. And I would like to get this all past me . Do I still have a claim? And what would be your next move
mernie Re: Knee (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:08:48 12/04/2000

I would go back to your boss and have him give you a copy of your orig. accident report. Take it to your HR dept. or take it to the clinic your company uses. If all this fails, go and get a competent Workmen's comp attny. If your company doesn't give you any trouble, usually their's a therapy place or clinic they use. Good luck.
mernie Re: Knee (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 17:53:43 12/04/2000

Steve, me again. Please look up a site called It tells you what to do when you get hurt on the job. All about filing a claim. There are so many good sites on the internet. Be proactive and find out what to do. You'll be happy you did.

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